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Monday, October 18, 2010


Trichomoniasis or Trichs was an uncommon disease a few years ago.  Now it is fairly common.  “Trichomoniasis is a venereal disease of cattle characterized primarily by early fetal death and infertility, resulting in extended calving intervals” (Merck Veterinary Manual).  Trichs is caused by a protozoan and is found in the genital tracks of cattle.  An infected bull spreads the disease from cow to cow. 

“Bulls of all ages can remain infected indefinitely but this is less likely in younger males” (Merck Veterinary Manual).  Bulls older than 3 years tend to chronically have trichs.  Cows immune system will eventually destroy the protozoa but this process can take up to 20 weeks.  The immunity is very short lived so the cow can be reinfected. 

Bulls show no outward symptoms of the disease.  Cows on the other hand may have a white discharge but not in every case.  The most common sign is infertility within the herd.  Cows that should be pregnant are cycling again.  The reason for this is that the protozoa causes an abortion of the fetus a few weeks into the pregnancy.  Cows can have live calves while infected with trichs but it is very rare. 

There is a test to see whether the bulls are positive or negative.  The test involves putting a pipette up the bull’s sheath and scraping the interior.  Modern tests use PCR (polymerase chain reaction).  This method is faster and more effective at determining whether there is a trichs organism.  However there is no effective test for females. 

There is no safe and effective treatment.  The only way to control the spread of the disease is to cull the positive animals.  Trichs does not affect the meat of an animal in any way. 


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