Read weekly blogs of Missouri State Ag students perspective on the Animal Welfare/Animal Rights debate

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Animal Experimentation

Jayme Morrison

Animal Experimentation
            A very difficult topic as arose with various animal welfare groups over the past few years. This contrivoursel topic is animal testing also known as animal experimentation. Today, animal testing is widely used all over the world to help with the development of new medicines, cosmetics, vaccines for animals, as well as we use animal experimentation for the testing of the safety of various products. Why animal testing is such a contrivousal topic is because the welfare of the animal is questionable, along with the morals that go along with animal experimentation. For example, many people wonder if it is morally acceptable for an animal to experience any discomfort if the overall outcome of the experiment is for the human good.
            When using animals for experimentation there are guidelines that scientists are asked to follow. These guidelines according to the Animal Ethics are called the 3R’s. First R is reduction: the overall outcome of all experiments is to reduce the total number of animals used in experiments. According to the BBC Animal ethics it is explained to help reduction, scientists can improve their techniques used in the experiments, as well as the improvement of the data analysis. Also, scientists can share what data they have collected with other researchers to help prevent multiple experiments of the same exact test occurring. ( The second R stands for refinement meaning refine the way these animals are cared for. This will also reduce the amount of suffering these animals might receive during experimentation. The third R stands for replacement meaning replacing animal testing with other methods of experimentation. (
            Another positive to animal experimentation is not just humans are benefiting from the animal testing. For example, according to the website heart worm medication came from research from animals and with the positive outcome of the research today the medication helps save lives of many dogs. (
            There are many negative feelings about the topic of animal testing. First, according to the source watch website, animals are often subject to addictive drugs, burning, blinding, as well as radiation. (
            The next negative point of animal testing is statistics from a article off of Stop Animal Exploitation Now (S.A.E.N.) claims that 1,416,643 animals were experimented on for the fiscal year of 2000 according to the United States Department of Agriculture annual Animal Welfare Enforcement Report, out of those animals 104,202 animals had either stressful or even painful experimentation and did not receive anesthesia. (
            Also, in the United Kingdom statistics 1999 there were a total of 2.66 million animals used in animal experimentation and as source watch claims these animals were subject to “likely to cause pain, suffering, distress, or lasting pain.”(
            In conclusion, there are many benefits to humanity that have come from animal testing over the past years. With the benefits there are various negative effects on these animals that are involved with the experiments. I believe that the United States should continue animal testing as long as these animals are being treated in a caring and humane way. If humans are not the only ones that are benefiting from animal testing I do not see a problem with the use of animals for experimentation.

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