Read weekly blogs of Missouri State Ag students perspective on the Animal Welfare/Animal Rights debate

Monday, September 27, 2010


Lauren Bills

 PETA has been quoted in saying that they do not “We do not run a traditional shelter. In fact, we refer every healthy, cute, young animal we can to shelters."  (
People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals  (PETA) was founded in 1980 and is dedicated to establish and protect the rights of animals, they operate under simple principles that animals are not for us to eat, wear , experiment on or use for entertainment (  They are located in Norfolk, Va and have affiliates worldwide. From my reading I gathered that PETA’s goal is to give animals the rights of humans and that they should be free from harm. That being said they focus on farms, laboratories, clothing and the entertainment industry,
PETA has also been named the most successful radical organization in America. They spend less than one percent of their multi-million dollar budget helping animals ( Between 1998 and 2009 they have killed approx 24,000 animals-  that’s six animals a day and have found homes for only eight ( These animals are caged in Norfolk, Va. They are put to death and stored in a large walk in freezer until the crematory comes to get them, these services cost PETA $32 million dollars to dispose of them. The freezer used to store these animals was used as a tax write off for PETA.
PETA classifies humans as another animal species and that neither is more special or important than the other and compare farmers, trainers and researchers to cannibals, and slave owners. They have also been known to damage property, and place bombs in vehicles and research  This group of extremists have who are all about protecting animals, often breaking into fashion shows to throw blood on fur-wearing models, liberating lab animals, or showing gory videos outside of fast food restaurants.  PETA collects millions of dollars in donations that they pretend to use to care for animals. They target our children as early as elementary schools with violent and graphic anti- meat and anti-milk propaganda. They do this without parental consent. PETA also boast as having the largest youth membership of over 800,000 members they lure young children by using graphic comic books, toys, etc .(People for the Ethical Treatment of
My thoughts on this are mixed I don’t want animals to be neglected or abused. But I do think animals are here for a reason just as we are. The one question I m left with is how does PETA and other similar organizations get away with these practices of unmoral acts that they do not only to animals but to the public by not giving us the whole story?

Works cited:
Collins, Kristin. "PETA foes salivate at cruelty trial." Lifestyle Magazine 24 Jan. 2007:

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