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Sunday, September 12, 2010

New Primate Species By: Dana Willis

The Arunachal Macaque(macaca munzala) monkey was unknown to scientists until 2004, when they discovered it. This new species is a large brown monkey or also known as primate. It is a macaque monkey and they are native in North-Eastern India. Its species name comes from “Munzala”, Which means monkey of the deep forest. Scientists from the Nature Conservation Foundation in India discovered it.
It was also the first species of Macaques to have been discovered since 1903. The Arurnachal Macaque has a very dark face and lives at very high altitudes in the forest, between 2000-3000m. Therefore, this makes it one of the highest dwelling primates. Scientists say that this type of monkey is also belongs to the sinica species group. Many other macaque monkeys also follow under this species group like the Assamese Macaque (M. Assesamenis), the Tibetan Macaque (M. Thibetana), the Bonnet Macaque (M. Radiata), and the Toqye Macaque ( M. Sinica).
The scientists from the Nature Conservation Foundation say that the Arurnachal Macaque is physically similar to the Assamese Macaque and the Tibetan Macaque, while they are genetically closer to the Bonnet Macaque of South India. This type of Macaque is in the Animalia Kingdom, it belongs to the Chordata Phylum, it is in the Mammalia Class and its in the Order of primates. A recent study from the Nature Conservation Foundation in India showed that this species may be very highly endangered in some parts if India.

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