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Monday, November 8, 2010

Pet Therapy, Does it actually work?

By Dana Willis

What is pet therapy? Does it actually work? Why is it necessary?

These are all great questions but some are hard to answer and many will have different opinions about this subject. Pet therapy is a wonderful thing and it helps provide security and comfort to people in many ways.

Pet ownership, has shown to reduce stress, requires less medical care, adds years to your life, and people just enjoy life more. Pets make individuals take care of them, its gives them something to live for when they have suffered through so much, like cancer, a death, a divorce, and many other things. 
Research has shown that heart attack victims that have pets live longer, and even just watching a tank of fish swim around may help lower blood pressure. Pets let us be ourselves around them, animals don’t care what we look like or make fun of us, and they just love and accept us for who we are. Animals bring out the nurturing instinct in our bodies.

These animals that are trained and put into pet therapy are wonderful animals. They are very well behaved and are trained by certified companies or individuals. There are so many amazing stories about pet therapy animals, helping different people and patients. They bring so much joy to so many individuals. There are so many great results, and they are increasing everyday! Improving ones social, emotional, physical, and cognitive well being are just a few things pet therapy animals due.  

Pets truly help heal all different kinds of patients, especially elderly people suffering from loneliness. Pets take peoples mind of what they are truly sad or lonely about, and cause laughter and a sense of security at times. Animals are very loving creatures they can take someone’s focus off what they are suffering from and put it on them.

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